Men die early because of the constant ‘this’ story of women ..!

 Men should not see a woman doing this. Hello friends, Acharya Chanakya is known as one of the great personalities of India. Arya Chanakya was also called Vishnugupta or Kautilya. He laid the foundation of the political and diplomatic sciences of ancient India. Also, some elements of Chanakya policy are still used in politics.Chandragupta Arya Chanakya played an important role in building the Mauryan Empire. Thus the Mauryan Empire also emerged as an influential empire. The philosophy taught by Arya Chanakya is known as Chanakya Niti. Chanakya Niti is still revered all over the world. He has also done tremendous work in politics and diplomacy.Chanakya is considered to be one of the most eminent and great scholars in Indian history. The words of Chanakya's strategy are very useful in life. Acharya Chanakya is revered in history. Acharya Chanakya says that if a man sees something about a woman, he can die.In science, such people are considered great sinners. What is it about women that makes men immediately partners in sin? A man who develops bad feelings in his mind is considered a great sinner, Acharya Chanakya says that a person who has wrong feelings about women is said to cause his own death. There is a separate provision in the scriptures to punish such people. According to the scriptures, it is considered a serious sin for a man to never see a woman taking a bath.Acharya Chanakya says that seeing a woman taking a bath is considered to be the biggest sin so you should never make such a mistake otherwise you may be the cause of your own death. Also, no man should ever look at a foreign woman's breast because it is used for her upbringing. If you make such a mistake, it will be considered a very serious sin. According to the scriptures, a person who commits such a sin will not be born again.That is why we should never make such a mistake to avoid these things. Acharya Chanakya says that a man should always look at a foreign woman through the eyes of a mother. Note: - The information and solutions given above are based on social and religious beliefs. This is not intended to spread or increase any superstition. This should not be misunderstood by anyone.


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